Truck stop, restaurants, rest area, service stations, parking facilities for HGVs in Ferrara (30)
Discover all the highway facilities in Ferrara in Provincia di Ferrara. Truckfly lists all the best truck stops and truck parks in Ferrara for truck drivers passing through Provincia di Ferrara. You will also find all the service stations in Ferrara, truck wash stations, haulage companies and delivery points.
Whether you are looking for a place to eat, fill up at or just to take a rest, Truckfly, the application for truck drivers, accompanies you to Ferrara and helps you to find all the best places!
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Via Argenta, 36m, 44124 Monestirolo FE, Italia -
A.M.Circolo Encap
Via Luciano Bottoni, 36, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Autogrill Po Est
A13 Bologna - Padova, km 43, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Autogrill Po Ovest
VHJ9+2J, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
C.I.S.A.F S.r.l.
Via degli Amanti, 1, 44100 Pontelagoscuro FE, Italia -
Modena Primo Levi, 44124 Porotto FE, Italia -
SS16, 44124 Ferrara FE, Italy -
Fai Cafa
Via degli Amanti, 1, 44100 Pontelagoscuro FE, Italy -
Gas station Po Est
VHHC+XF Ferrara FE, Italia -
Gas station Po Ovest
VHJ9+2J, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Hotel Ristorante Pizzeria Da santo
Via Milano, 14, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Ip Autogrill
A13, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
La botte
Via Padova, 169, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
New Nikyta
Via Luciano Bottoni, 36, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Nonno Papero
Via delle Fiere, 70, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italy -
Parcheggio Fiera
Via della Fiera, 11, 44124 Ferrara FE, Italy -
Via Modena, 85, 44122 Ferrara FE, Italy -
Parking TIR
Via del Canneto, 14, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Pneus Estense Srl
Via Enzo Michelini, 41, 44122 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Po Este
A13, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Prom Zona
Via Eridano, 35, 44123 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Via degli Artigiani, 3, 44124 San Bartolomeo In Bosco FE, Italia -
Via Scuole, 13, 44124 San Bartolomeo In Bosco FE, Italia -
SP22, 432, 44124 San Bartolomeo In Bosco FE, Italia -
Societa Agricola Salvi Vivai SS
Via Bologna, 714, 44124 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Via Imperiale, 78, 44011 Santa Maria Codifiume FE, Italia -
PMWM+W6 Ferrara FE, Italia -
QJHW+X4 Ferrara FE, Italia -
TOTAL Ferrara
Via dei Trasvolatori Atlantici, 28, 44124 Ferrara FE, Italia -
Via Diamantina
Via Maestri del Lavoro, 4, 44122 Ferrara FE, Italy